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About Us

ANGLO-ROM activates for over more than 18 years in the field of import and distribution of materials and electrical equipments for civil and industrial installations.

Reliability and demand are the key words that define us and through which we keep our company among the main suppliers of electrical materials and equipment in the country. Because we want our company’s services to be of high quality and comply with European standards, ANGLO-ROM has implemented the Quality Management System according to SR EN ISO 9001/2015.

Our vision is to provide quality products at fair prices.

Our mission is to be on the top of the distributors of electrical materials in the country.

 ANGLO-ROM team is doing everything possible in order to establish links and future collaborations only with producers who can offer what we want, meaning quality products at fair prices because, in turn, ANGLO-ROM wants to offer its customers the same opportunity.

Cables and Conductors

Anglo-Rom provides the best quality cables and conductors for residential and industrial solutions, considering these products to be among the most important in an electrical installation

Protection and separation

A wide range of high-quality protection and separation solutions from leading brands in the industry, both for residential and industrial use, ensure the peace of our clients

Wiring accesories

Best-in-class wiring accesories from established brands, all the necessary accessories for a high-performance electrical installation and home automation

Lighting objects

The light surrounds us, attracts us, makes our life more beautiful. Anglo-Rom will provide you with all types of LED lighting luminaires for all types of residential and industrial applications.

Years of experience



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